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  3. 時裝設計


此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2010-08-10 刊登者: Kazign

KAZIGN is a newly established fashion brand, created by a group of teenagers dedicated to provide high quality and stylish apparel. We have our online store. Besides the creation of GRAPHIC TEE, in the coming future, we would also expand our production to Caps, Shirts, Accessories, Toys and etc.
Kazign Team enshrines the philosophy that “Past is the motivation of Future”. Cherishing the simple but stylish way of living, we are dedicated to posit our fountain of creation upon the convergence of “vintage” and “innovation”, and provide our customers with an unprecedented fashion experience.
For any requiry, please email to
[email protected]

KAZIGN, 源於梵文“Kasaya”之譯音,意即「袈裟」。

袈裟, 僧之禮服, 為佛家最重要法器之一。有云: 「莫謂袈裟容易得,只因累劫種福田」。KAZIGN秉持言簡意深、精益求精的創作態度; 追求最簡單不過的素材, 竭力創作如同「袈裟」般低調華麗之服飾,  與顧客一同分享。

如閣下想提供任何寶貴意見, 請即郵寄至[email protected] 

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性