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For your high-quality custom suit

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2009-01-05 刊登者: Pacific Fashions

In Hong Kong, a visit to Pacific Fashions the reputed home of the 24 hours suit is a tourist must for VIP's and vacationers alike.

In Pacific Fashions, all workers are highly skilled Shanghainese. Our clients are from all over the world, include diplomats, officers and business man. We are popular among British officers and VIP's in Hong Kong. Pacific Fashions is one of the leading bespoke tailors in Hong Kong.

We travel to U.S.A., U.K. and Europe every year to meet old & new clients during travel's time. We carry all Italian & England finest fabric sample so you are able to choose your best wanted fabric.
 Also we do customer suit fitting in his town, so they can enjoy the best quality custom made suit. If you want us to meet you to discuss your tailoring requirements, please e-mail to Pacific Fashions to arrange a meeting at your convenience. We look forward to meet you in your home city. Thank you.

Address:     Shop No. 13, G/F., Tsim Sha Tsui Mansion, 83-97 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, H.K. 

Contact:  Mr. Simon.R. Ahmed / Mr. Raymond.A. Rahaman

Phone No.: (852) 2301 1116        Fax No.: (852) 2301 1117



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