更新於: 2008-07-17
刊登者: Towner & Partners Ltd.
建築設計 建築設計是指對已建成或未建成之樓宇作項目設計。包括整體規劃,空間規劃,立面設計,行人通道,消防,輸送系統及機電設計。設計過程及內容包括 : 方案設計,深化設計到施工圖紙編制。而建築設計範圍是指物業之外牆及外圍環境設計。 方案設計本公司根據客人之設計需要提供合乎效益之設計方案。設計方案是對項目作出之功能及美學上設計概念,同時綜合多方面設計元素而定出 之最後設計方向。設計方案經設計圖紙,圖片,相片或文字表達。 The Architectural process starts with a conceptual stage that finishes off with a well-defined, restricted technical stage of contract documentation and tendering.
Schematic DesignSchematic design is the stage during which most great architectures are conceptualized. From a vague, big idea in the sub-conscious mind comes a 'could be' idea. It is a stage developed usually through the technique of sketching. Here the architect conjures up shapes, forms, possible materials and structures of buildings. As the architect moves his hand, ideas, thoughts, images and visions are formed. Design DevelopmentIn the design development stage, the architect will distinguish which ideas are to be developed further. During this stage, the possibilities and potentials are qualified as the design team members work closely together formulating and defining the design concept. They investigate current and futuresite conditions, develop integrated mechanical and engineering systems and work in accordance with all building coded. Contract DocumentationOnce the design concept is in place and all other associated design concerns have been tackled, the architect and his/her team are ready to compile a set of contract documentation (construction drawings). The construction drawing set includes plans, elevations, sections and design detailing of the project as well as written specifications and approved construction materials identified by the design team. The project, then, is ready to be bid by various contractors. Bidding and NegotiationThe scope of architectural design service sometimes extends to include a bidding evaluation requested by the client. Here, the architect will assist the client evaluating bids submitted by various tenderers. |
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Towner & Partners Ltd.