Founded in Hong Kong in 1874, Leigh & Orange is a large, well-established, international architectural design practice offering high quality design and project management services to major local & overseas clients on a wide range of building types in both public and private sectors.
Services include architecture, interior design, urban planning and project management. The practice, which operates throughout China, East Asia and the Middle East, is certified under ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. Leigh & Orange operates an integrated quality management system covering aspects of quality, environment and safety.
The practice adopts an innovative design approach for all projects incorporating the latest intelligent building ideas in addition to the green concepts of sustainability, energy conservation and minimal environmental “footprint”.
水族館: 通過承接香港海洋公園的建設工程,利安在設計海洋館及大型海洋生物展示建築中積累了豐富的經驗,有能力為客戶提供全面的專業咨詢工作。其中包括必不可少的基礎設施,支持技術性較強的建築設計及展示空間的內部設計。
會所: 從私人會所、高爾夫會所及大型體育俱樂部到複雜的娛樂城及所有相關的輔助設施,本公司積累了豐富的專業技術經驗。
寫字樓: 利安在設計藝術要求較高的辦公大樓方面具有豐富的經驗。工程項目遍佈香港、泰國、中國及菲律賓。目前,利安在辦公室設計領域享有很高的聲譽。所提供的服務包括建築及內部設計。
工業建築: 利安擁有為客戶提供各種類型工業建築設計的豐富經驗,設計實例遍佈香港、中國、泰國及澳大利亞。工程範圍包括廠房、瓶裝廠、魚市、倉庫、冷藏庫、肥料銷售廠、釀酒廠、連輸中心及集裝箱集散地。