rchitecture Design and Research Group Ltd. (AD+RG) provides highly unique expertise in innovative institutional building designs, including profound experience in the execution of educational building projects, ranging from schools, youth centres, community colleges, universities to science park, and also elderly care facilities and housing, and a leading edge in research on community architecture design, facility programming, environmental architecture and participatory process application in design. The Principals have extensive experience in the last twenty years in designing and executing numerous award-winning projects in Hong Kong, Mainland and South-east Asia .
建築設計及研究所有限公司 (AD+RG) 提供創新的公共建築設計。本公司各專業人士於設計小學、中學及大專院校、青少年中心、社區學院、科學園等教育設施及長者頤老住屋及設施具豐富的經驗,並在社區建築設計、設施規劃、環保建築、可持續發展和大眾參與設計等作獨特研究。本公司亦著重與用者的溝通,並將意見綜合及應用於設計中。在過去二十年, AD+RG 總監曾參與多項本地、中國大陸及東南亞地區的建築工程設計,並屢獲獎項。