Founded in 1991, Colorland Animation is a renowned animation production house incorporated in Hong Kong with China-based animation production facilities in Shenzhen and Shanghai. Colorland provides 2D & CGI animation services for TV, video, features and interactive media internationally. We have handled more than 500 hours of animation productions that include Tabaluga, Flipper and Lopaka, Blinky Bill and Staines Down Drains for Yoram Gross-EM in Australia…. Stellaluna, Rudolph, the Red Nosed Reindeer and In Search of Santa for Tundra Productions in US…. Dr. Dog and Wheel Squad for France Animation in Europe. Colorland is listed on the main board of Singapore Exchange.
Well experienced talents at Colorland handle works from character and location designs, storyboarding, character modeling, location modeling, rigging, animation, special effects, composition, rendering and output for CGI animation productions as well as layout, animation, background painting, digital ink/paint, composition, rendering and output for 2D animation productions.
Office: 1802 Shatin Galleria, 18-24 Shan Mei Street, Shatin, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2366 9013 Fax: (852) 2367 9087 Email: [email protected]
Studio: Yuan Lin Building, #1 Donghu Yi Road, Shenzhen, China 518003
Tel: (86 755) 2552 7686 Fax: (86 755) 2541 7200 Email: [email protected]