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Newcastle Furniture Ltd

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2011-02-28 刊登者: Newcastle Furniture Ltd
The wood factory of Newcastle was established in Shanghai since 1996.

The factory is surrounded by 80,000of land next to a major highway, offering ample room for future growth and expansion. The completely new facilities including machining plants, finishing plants, warehouse as well as an in-house drying kiln to ensure all lumber is properly dried before being used. New plants and facilities are being planned to meet the growing demand of product from Newcastle.

For quality, accuracy and consistency, Newcastle employs many newly imported machines from U.S.A., Italy, Japan and Holland. Together with inexpensive labors supply in China, Newcastle is in a perfect position to offer excellent value wood products with quality admired by customers all over the world.

In addition to our experienced management team and production team. Newcastle employs well-trained staff and skilled workers to meet the companys standards for superior quality and consistency of our products. It is Newcastles commitment to exceed customer expectation that drives its record of continuous quality improvement and customer satisfactions

Unit 1306, 13/F., Yue Fung Ind Bldg.,
35-45 Chai Wan Kok Street,
Tsuen Wan, N.T.  Hong Kong.
Tel   No.: (852) 3110-2189
Fax  No.: (852) 3118-1685
E - mail :
[email protected]

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