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  3. 鐘錶及珠寶首飾

Malca Amit Far East Ltd. Your total logistics solution provider for valuable cargo.

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2011-02-21 刊登者: Malca-Amit Far East Limited
  About Us
Malca Amit Far East Ltd.
Your total logistics solution provider for valuable cargo.
Having established in Hong Kong for more than 20 years, Malca Amit Far East Ltd has earned the reputation of being the most reliable and trusted company when it comes to shipping valuables overseas.
With a global network of offices, Malca-Amit is represented in all cities and countries which are important to the valuable commodities business. Our secure delivery service has gained high acclaims over the years for its security, timeliness and cost-effectiveness.
As we enter the 21st century, Malca-Amit has expanded its service offering beyond standard secured and liability door-to-door delivery. In recent years, trade show logistics solutions has become an important part of our business. Other service that Malca-Amit offers include: bonded warehousing, private trade-show organization and inspections. 

  Contact Us
Ofer Wilner
Managing Director
Direct Line: 852-2524-3161
Mobile: 852-9467-1106

[email protected]
Avi Haviv
Direct Line: 852-2524-3161
Mobile: 852-9091-2494

[email protected]
Ivy Ling
General Manager
Direct Line: 852-2524-3161
Mobile: 852-9386-0319

[email protected]
Summie Wong
General Manager of China Operation
Direct Line: 852-2524-3161
Mobile: 852-9196-5774

[email protected]
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