C Square-提供最新潮流資訊及一站式網上購物平台C Square網上購物網站為您緊貼最新潮流動向,提供最佳質素的產品,輕鬆購物。成為www.csquarehk.com VIP會員,除可獲最新購物資訊外,更可多獲額外購物優惠。網上購物非常簡易,click入產品並選購,我們會即時處理訂單,安排發貨;客人由訂單至到貨都只需約一星期,方便快捷!本網站主要銷售3大產品:最新時尚潮流產品生活家品及精品越南直接入口精品及代購食品本站更是香港首間網上雨靴專門店,銷售不同最新款式的成人及小童雨靴、得意小童雨衣等。雨靴及雨衣的優點:- 時尚優美- 高質產品 - 防滑倒- 保障小童因被雨水沾顯衣服後冷病 About CsquareCsquarehk established in 2009 for mainly retails annd wholesales of all styles rainboots, rain coats and shoes cover, mainly through web sales.Csquarehk are the first specialist in selling seasonal rainboots with own website. For the needs of customers to try on for fitting, we have contracted place in different area and in the mean time promote our website.Apart from that, we have other source of homeware and vietnamese direct import of art crafts and food.產品類別兒童雨靴獨家精選生活家品男款雨靴越南精品越南食品雨具雨衣雨靴鞋套
聯絡人: Anita Chung聯絡電話: 97723473 (主)地址: 旺角朗豪坊26樓2611室