我們提供免費量度頭型和試帶服務, 歡迎預約了解更多 We provide free consultation, please make an appointment today:
電話 Mobile / whatsapp +852 94194310
香港銅鑼灣21號耀華街華耀商業大廈1205室 Unit 1205 WorkingView Commercial Building, #21 Yiu Wa Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
WeChat: HairBlooms
適用於:醫療脫髮,頭髮稀少,局部脫髮,避免陽光曬 傷頭皮,冬天有保暖作用,改善型像。
• 特制髮片只有 1mm薄可緊貼皮膚,透氣度高、抗菌,防敏感;
• 增加10%白髮,令看起來更加自然帶給您自然的外觀;
• 我們提供止汗保護劑,粘合劑和高粘合性膠紙,粘合可長達1至4星期,也可以加固定夾固定 ;
• 不論游泳,洗頭,做運動也不是問題,還有去除劑可自行去除假髮,可清洗從複使用;
• 我們會根據你的頭部尺寸量度定制你的假髮以滿足你不同的需要 。
• 長度 Length: 15cm 價格Price: HK $3,500 up
Suitable for: partial hair loss, thinning hair, protect your scalp from direct sunlight and keep your head warm in winter.
• This special inner membrane has only 1mm thickness, tightly attached to your scalp and gives you natural looking;
• Provided with antiperspirant and highly-adhesive tapes, which can be adhered for up to 1 to 4 weeks, and can also be fixed with pressure sensitive clips;
• You may wear it regardless of daily shampoo, swimming or other exercise; there are hair piece removers for you to clean and reused.
• We would tailor made your wig according to your head size to meet your needs.