文韜教育也提供幼兒 (2-4 歲) 的暢遊班,我們為剛開始發展感觀體驗的幼兒,透過音樂、美勞、運動,當然還有不可缺少的有趣遊戲,來建立認知、語言、肌能和人際技巧。
你的小寶貝將會很享受由德國 HABA (一間自 1938 年起致力研發刺激學習和思考的高質兒童玩具生產商) 所設計的遊戲,來建立他們的自信、勇氣、耐性、邏輯思維、集中力和記憶力等。
在這年齡的兒童正處於關鍵發展期,好奇心自然地驅使他們學習及模仿身邊一切事物,所以就讓我們與孩子一起發掘可令他們終身受用的潛能吧 !
HABA Playgroup Classes
We also offer playgroup classes for children aged 2-4 who are starting to engage the world through sensory experiences. We will help them develop their cognitive, language, motor and social skills through songs, arts and crafts, physical activities and most importantly, fun games.
Your little ones will be playing games from the award-winning German game-maker, HABA which uses high-quality wooden toys and games that foster self-confidence, bravery, patience and train their logic, concentration and memory.
At this crucial stage of development, your child shows a natural curiosity towards learning and we'll be there to guide them every step of the way.
Frequency | Price | Class Duration | Teacher : Student Ratio |
Once a week
| $1,000 / month ($250 / class)
| 1 hour
5 children : 1 teacher
Max 10 children per class
Twice a week
| $1,600 / month ($200 / class)
Thrice a week
| $2,100 / month ($175 / class)
Mentor Links Education Centre 文韜教育中心
Our Website 我們的網址 : www.mentor-edu.hk