1. 88DB
  2. 親子
  3. 兒童興趣班 - 語言學術

The organization offers challenging yet inspiring opportunities to children

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-07-18 刊登者: 高材生大藝發展中心

本中心『高材生文藝發展中心』為 一所志力推動交化藝術的機構,主力舉辦文化藝術比賽,希望藉著舉辦之比賽,能建立一個公開而公平的平 台,鼓勵兒童積極參與文化藝術活動。除了嘉許優秀的表現,本中心亦著重表揚每位參賽兒童的投入,肯定他們的努力。 望兒童能在備受欣賞及嘉許中建立自信,為他們的學習生活加添美好的回憶及寶貴之經驗。透過每次作賽的鍛煉與交流,加上專業評判作出的指引,望能建立兒童力 求進步的人生態度,為人生締造好的將來。

The mission of the Star Kids Art Development Centre is to organize public competition in the field of art and culture, to encourage development of art and culture in Hong Kong, and to promote the appreciation of art and culture by the general public. The organization promotes and cultivates children’s interests and raises their standard through workshops and competition events. The organization provides an open and fair platform to children, encouraging them to show their talent to public. Children will build up their confidence and obtain recognition by the awards they get and the participation and efforts they made. The organization offers challenging yet inspiring opportunities to children, as in each competition, it would be a unique and valuable experience for children’s growth. Beside to explore children’s potential in all aspects, the organization provides a platform for communication and networking among little genius in Hong Kong.

電子郵件:  [email protected]
電話:3111 2639, 3115 6841
傳真:3423 4500

星期一至五 : 早上十時至一時,下午二時至六時
星期六 : 早上十時至一時,下午休息
星期日及公眾假期 : 休息

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