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  3. 兒童興趣班 - 語言學術

戲劇英語 : 暑期課程 - 小演員大招​募

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2011-05-16 刊登者: Dramatic English Education Centres

戲劇英語 : 暑期課程 - 小演員大招​募

  English Drama Playgroup

The course is designed for children, who have started to study in kindergartens. Through a unique and professionally designed English Drama Playgroup curriculum, which is adapted from theatre games and drama activities, children will be able to develop their physical, intellectual and language abilities, improve their social skills, enhance their emotional development, and to unleash their imagination.

課程適用於幼稚園階段的學生而設。透過一個獨特和專業設計英語戲劇 Playgroup 課程,改編有很多有趣的劇院遊戲和戲劇的活動,孩子們可以啟發想像力、感應力、專注力及語言能力,提高其情緒的發展,發揮他們的表演潛能。

Targets: Children under 5 years old

 Day & Time: Saturday Venue:
 2:30pm to 3:30pm
5:30pm to 6:30pm
 Causeway Bay Centre
Jordan Centre
**There will be 12 sessions per each semester. At the end of each semester, parents will be invited to join the last 15 minutes of the class to share the fun and excitement with the children.**


The leading teacher is Ms. Yannie So, who is a passionate, vibrant and experienced teacher of children in the early childhood stage. With a Bachelor of Education degree in early childhood education and over 4 years of early childhood teaching experience, she is now pursuing a Master degree of Fine Arts (Drama & Theatre Education) with the APA.

The supporting teacher is Ms. Meg Teckman, who is from the US, and who is also a passionate and experienced teacher of drama to children. Ms. Teckman graduated from Wellesley College.

Dramatic English Studio

Website: http://www.dramaticenglish.org
Hotline:  2880 5085

Or send us your enquiry via our Feedback Form


Causeway Bay Centre:香港銅鑼灣禮頓道9-11號合誠汽車大廈2樓 

Jordan Centre:香港九龍佐敦吳松街191 突破中心 1

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