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  3. 兒童興趣班 - 語言學術

擁有專業資格及經驗豐富之外藉老師, 能帶領孩子投入學習過程, 享受英語樂趣

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2010-08-17 刊登者: English Castle 英文堡語言中心

The English Castle is an exciting and stimulating language centre which provides an excellent platform to nurture young and old minds while being immersed in an authentic and energizing learning environment. English Castle uses a thematic approach that taps into and enhances the students’ academic and creative potential. We have a team of friendly and qualified Language instructors, with many years experience in the teaching sector who are able to give yourself or your child a more creative and meaningful learning experience. We have a wide range of courses which guarantees the students are able to fulfil their maximum potential for a bright and promising future so enroll with The English Castle today.

英文堡是一所富有動感及安全的學習中心, 亦是一個優質的平台帶領小朋友或成人透過靈活互動, 創新及現代教學方式, 增強學習能力o 我們擁有專業資格及經驗豐富之外藉老師, 能帶領孩子投入學習過程, 享受英語樂趣o 我們的課程必能提高孩子英語能力外, 更能提升孩子以英語溝通的自信心及興趣, 以使他們能面對明日世界之挑戰及享受成功人生o

Kids Palace Playgroup
 Young Knights Playgroup
 Let's Talk 傾傾講講
Bionic Phonics 樂趣拼音
Reading Club 閱讀俱樂部
 Pen Friends 筆友
Poetry In Motion 詩詞歌賦

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性