1. 88DB
  2. 親子
  3. 兒童興趣班 - 語言學術

SDM 爵士芭蕾舞學院

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2010-06-11 刊登者: SDM Jazz & Ballet Academie

SDM 爵士芭蕾舞學院 http://www.sdm.hk/

 合適年齡: 5歲或以上 (於1月30日前滿5歲之兒童可報考每年在港舉行的R.A.D 考試)

本課程專為報考英國皇家芭蕾舞學院考試而設,適合年齡5歲或以上之兒童報考。培訓學生的藝術感、音樂感和基本技巧。設有芭蕾舞分級考試,按學員程度分班,考生必須於每星期上課兩次,合資格之考生將會保送參加每年在港舉行之英國皇家芭蕾舞考試。而SDM 所有分校被認可為合資格之考場,而2008年度之芭蕾舞考試更在本校之分校舉行。

澳洲聯邦舞蹈教師協會 爵士舞考試課程(CSTD)
 合適年齡: 5歲或以上


SDM親子唱遊班 Playgroup

 合適年齡: 2至2.5歲半 (aged 2-2.5)

課程融合了簡單芭蕾舞動作,透過兒歌、音樂和故事,配以不同的道具, 讓孩子在輕鬆有趣的學習氣氛下,啓發幼兒腦部思考及活動,訓練幼兒手腳的靈活運用。而課程更包括不同的互動親子遊戲,有助促進親子感情,讓孩子學習群體相處及建立自信心。本課程由具備兒童心理學之資深導師教授,而幼兒須由家長/監護人陪同上堂。完成為期六個月課程之幼兒,可獲頒發結業證書。

SDM Playgroup is specially designed for parent-child. Experienced and caring instructors teach toddlers basic ballet steps, as well as creative movement, music and story along with different colorful instruments. The course engages children in physical games and activities to train their motor skills and encourages them to explore and understand the environment through their five senses. The programme covers some parent-child games, which foster the communication between parents and children. Toddlers must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. The certificate is awarded for toddlers who have completed a six-month course.

SDM學前愉快班 Pre-School Classes
合適年齡: 2歲半至3歲 (aged 2.5-3)

課程融合了基本芭蕾舞的手同腳部動作配以富創意的道具, 讓孩子在輕鬆有趣的學習氣氛下,訓練孩子的大、小肌肉,訓練孩子的集中力及想像力,從而啓發及培養兒童的節奏感,音樂感和藝術氣質。成功完成課程之同學更可獲頒發結業證書。  

The programme includes introductions to ballet steps and arm positions, centre and cross floor exercises along with different colorful instruments. The course engages children in physical games and activities to train their motor skills, concentration and creativity. It also enhances child’s musical and artistic ability. A certificate will be issued after completing the course.

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性