1. 88DB
  2. 親子
  3. 孕婦及嬰兒用品


此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2014-01-24 刊登者: hellobaby


Hello Baby Shop 致力為兒童提供高品質木製玩具及益智遊戲, 所以產品均選自歐洲知名品牌 - HABASantoys。在我們為自己孩子選購玩具的時候, 發覺在香港很難選購到價錢合適, 而又具質素的木製玩具。因此, 我們希望能為家長們提供多一個選購玩具的平台。

HABA 和 Santoys 品牌玩具素以生產環保無毒玩具聞名, 所有產品均經嚴格監控, 完全符合國際標準 (E.g. EN71 及ASTM)。而且玩具設計新頴而富教育性, 讓孩子在玩樂同時亦達到學習效果。本網所有貨品確保全屬正貨。

現在就為你的小朋友選擇一些優質,安全可靠的玩具, 如有任何查詢歡迎電郵致: [email protected]  或 請電 8101 2188

Hello Baby Shop aims to offer simple and fun toys that your children will love and remember for their lifetime.  The products and brands that we select are of the highest quality – e.g. a top brand in Europe, HABA (mostly Made in Germany).

We encourage parents to spend at least five minutes everyday to sit down and play with their children. Playing with them is rewarding – one never ceases to be amazed by the children's creativity and their pace of learning, just as importantly, playing with children helps parents build up good relationships with them.


聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性