PLAYSAND.COM.HK 成立目的是為了讓孩子們能安全和快樂地玩耍。 眼見目前很多玩具都存在不安全的問題,有害的物質對孩子的身體做成傷害,有見及此,我們從外國引入一些有安全認證,並且能幫助孩子身心發展的產品,讓孩子們能在安全的環境下,開心快樂地玩耍。 我們提供多種不同種類的''PLAYSAND''產品,包括白色遊戲沙、30種閃亮色彩遊戲沙、藝術和手工藝材料、沙枱、沙箱等... 我們也密切與幼稚園和學校合作,向他們提供''PLAYSAND''產品和創意玩法。 我們的遊戲沙也在世界各地的沙療法中被廣泛使用。
PLAYSAND.COM.HK is established in getting children to play together safely and happily. We offer different varieties of ''PLAYSAND'' products including white play sand, colored play sand with 30 sparkling colors, arts and crafts works, sand tables, sand boxes, etc...... We are also working closely with kindergartens and preschools to provide our "PLAYSAND" products and project ideas to them. Our play sand is also very famous in sandplay therapy around the world.
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