Mama World 網站是一個能為我們的會員提供不同的資訊網站,包括懷孕,嬰兒,孩子,父母,健康,美容,醫療,教育,飲食,購物等的資訊。 Mama World 同時可以讓會員通過我們的日誌,討論區,相簿區及影片區來分享他們的資訊,心得,相片及影片。Mama World 也設有網上購物區讓會員購物。
Mama World is a website that provides all information to our members including pregnancy, baby, children, parents, health, beauty, medical, education, food and shopping. Mama World also let members share their information, feeling, photos & video from our blogs, forum, photo album and video area. Mama World also provided online shopping for our member.