1. 88DB
  2. 親子
  3. 生日會及百日宴


此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2015-07-08 刊登者: Party Buddy

About us
大家好,我地係由“畢氏”行星來既外星人,我地星球既族人個個都擁有八億萬個古靈精主意、仲有一顆充滿熱誠既窩心,超鐘意開派對!! 而我地籌劃既派對更多不星數,但係每個派對對我地來講都係唯一既,我地會施展運身解數,務求令您或每個寶貴既記念日都與眾不同、驚喜不斷、感動無限!!


Hi, everyone, We are from another planet where everyone of us has all the wildest idea and enthusiasm about partying!!!  We planned lots of parties and all of them are special, unique, full of suprises and love!

Let us plan and host your party, we will make your important day as special and as unique as you can ever imagine!

Meet Budsbenny
從小熱愛天馬行空,愛藝術、愛創作、愛孩子、愛冒險。由一個年紀小小的兒童藝術工作者到專業的活動策劃統籌,在這十多個年頭里,工作對我來說就是樂趣,即使日夜癲倒也樂此不疲,看見團隊一起由概念開始, 策劃統籌, 努力後的成果能帶給人們無限笑聲時,那份由心而發的興奮、滿足感已是我最大的回報。直到2010年,當日衝鋒陷陣,為工作日夜癲倒的我已做了媽媽,除了事業外還要照顧家庭,自己堅決湊小孩及繼續做自己熱愛的工作,當中更是身經百戰,有笑有淚,但我對每個過程都視為對自己的挑戰,我亦把自己十多個年頭的教學及策劃活動經驗,設計了一套“十多思維策略,培養個性孩子”的派對實習,從引導孩子籌劃自己派對開始,增強親子互動、建立自信、訓練自主自理能力、溝通表達、禮儀等技巧,讓他們從笑聲及滿足感中學習,當中每個過程都令我感覺非常精彩及快樂,


Fascinated by borderless imagination from a very young age, I have always been
passionate about arts, creation, children, and adventure.  From a beginner in the
children art field to becoming a professional event planner, work is my major source
of pleasure and energizes meto work day and night.  Seeing our team putting the
effort to turn a preliminary idea into reality,the smiles on people’s faces in these
successful events are the biggest excitements and rewards to me.

In 2010, the workaholic Benny has started her journey of motherhood.  I am determined
to handle childcare on my own, as well as to continue my career development.  It is a
very demanding job with laughter, sweats and tears, but every steps are the challenging
yet precious moments of my life.  I’ve also put my 10 years’ experience of teaching and
event planning into designing an intellectually-stimulating learning system –
Meet our Buddy, Learn from Party.  That is guiding the children to plan their own party,
which help them to establish self-confidence, independence, communication skills,
manners and etiquette while learning and actualizing their plans in a fun-filled process. 
I am very happy and contented because:-

My pleasure is to learn and grow with children
My pleasure is to do what I am passionate about
My pleasure is to be able to enjoy my career wholeheartedly
My pleasure is to follow my dream and work hard to get closer to it
My pleasure is to see your happy faces


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