1. 88DB
  2. 健康及醫療
  3. 買賣交易

專營香薰精油、基底油,按摩油,香薰耳燭,臍燭,其它天然養生護理品,按摩床,按摩椅及磁穴***,排酸棒(柔筋棒)Trident Lymph Massager 永久磁石磁気治療マッサージャー,瑜伽柱

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2015-07-08 刊登者: Kern Industrial
For details:  www. kernmassage.com
KERN INDUSTRIAL CO. 專營香薰精油、基底油,按摩油,香薰耳燭,臍燭,其它天然養生護理品,按摩床,按摩椅及磁穴***,排酸棒(柔筋棒)Trident Lymph Massager 永久磁石磁気治療マッサージャー等多年,香薰油從法國、澳州、英國及日本進口,按摩床從中國內地原產地廠家直接入貨,真材實料, 以優惠價格直銷於用家手中。 Supply aroma oil, carrier oil, base oil, massage oil, ear candle, navelcandle, other natural herbal products, massage table,massage chair & massagers  in cheaper price. Massage tables can be delivered to the address as per you stated.
Our company can supply different massage oils according to customer order for treatment use.
All the products from our company are refilled in our own bottles in different sizes. Sometimes the packing is different from the display. Hope you do not mind, the photos displayed is only for your reference. All products are manufactured by registed factory, no need to doubt the quality. Thanks for your understanding.
本公司還經營其他按摩用品:包括磁能排酸棒,磁能***,按摩膏,扶陽罐,經絡能量儀,經絡溫灸儀,拔罐器,溫灸包,熱石,泰式草球,三角形點穴棒,刮痧板,刮痧油,按摩專用大浴巾,擦身毛巾,按摩床專用電熱毯,按摩用一次性產品等等按摩用品,並提供上門按摩服務。本公司以優惠價批發零售及提供上門服務,除按摩床,按摩椅等大型物件外,其它按摩用品也可根據預約時間在地鐵沿線交收,歡迎選購及查詢。The company can provide massage service in your home and supply other massage products such as cupping kits, massage tools, hot stones,scraping plate, massage balls, towels, electric blanket etc. Except Large products such as massage tables, massage chairs etc other products could be hand carried can be delivered to MTR stations as per appointed time. Home massage service is available but need reservations.
選購確認產品後 5個工作日之內送貨上門。也可以選用順風快遞送貨。如需按摩服務敬請預約。After order it take 5 working days to make a delivery.  Most goods need to be prepaid, under some circumstances the payment can be made upon delivery. Also SF express can be selected as delivery way.
聯絡我們 Contact us:
聯系人: Echo Kong,江小姐
電話: 97805236
WhatsApp: 97805236
Wechat: 0085297805236
聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性