結婚花球 Wedding Flower 電話:2838 7001 Email:[email protected] 地址:香港跑馬地黃泥涌道5號地下A2舖

絲花套餐 (Silk Flower Package) Package A (Promotion Price: $ 340) 1. 主人惠蘭襟花 x 4 2. 伴郎玫瑰襟花 x 1 3. 伴娘玫瑰手花 x 1 4. 兄弟玫瑰襟花 x 5 5. 姊妹玫瑰手花 x 5 Package B (Promotion Price: $ 400) 1. 外租絲花花球 ( 任選 ) x 1 2. 主人惠蘭襟花 x

繽紛園藝網羅世界各地鮮花植物,園藝器材,花藝用品,絲花乾花。不但品種豐富,更專業地分門別類於旺角花墟道設立七間專門店,提供專業及一站式的服務,我們在此歡迎你的光臨。 Brighten Floriculture search wide range of flowers, plants, garden tools, florist supplies, artificial and dried flo
B鮮花及禮籃 / 園藝及盆栽Brighten Floriculture

--> 100 piece Rose Petals Material: Pongee Rose Petal Size: 4 – 4.8cm Net Weight: about 18g We have 4 colours available. Colour: Burgundy(酒紅), Pink(粉紅), Red(紅),White/Cream(白/牙白) Delivery Time:
F鮮花及禮籃 / 新娘花球Flowerytale.com

欣林鮮花 在於2006年12月正式名為 Flower`s House ,由於成本不斷上升,現在由花墟地舖變成細小的網路花店,但依然歷史悠久。我們產品為價廉物美和選用新鮮花材、也為顧 客提供尊貴意見、服務及保證。歡迎致電 傳真 或電郵 查詢及訂購。 本花店已經營 三代 ,歷史悠久,承接中西靈堂佈置、棺面花球、花籃、花圈及花牌等,糅合傳統及現代設計,專業人員提供全面妥善鮮花服務、莊嚴專業、誠信可靠、

Panflower workshop 麵 粉 花 藝 工 作 坊 地址 : 天水圍嘉湖山莊樂湖居 電話 : 93638117 (李小姐) E-mail : [email protected] 招生簡介 *個別教授或小組上課.請先預約上課時間* 專營: 麵粉花藝課程,工具,材料,顏料,花器及書籍 上課時間:星期一至六 (9:30am - 6:00pm) / 星期日 (休
P消閒及娛樂 / 藝術及手工藝Panflower workshop

Treeham Productions Limited Treeham Productions Limited is a manufacturer and exporter of christmas trees, wreaths, garlands, sprays and other decoration items. With our professional knowledge of the
T鮮花及禮籃 / 園藝及盆栽Treeham Productions Limited

In terms of flowers,Ming Florist specializes in the floral industry. We represent a new era of success in the millennium to reflect your sophisticated taste and class. All of our products are exclusi

緣 份 花 藝 婚禮 Wedding 花球 Bouquet 襟花 Corsage 腕花 Wrist flowers 花車佈置 Car bouquets 婚禮會場佈置 Party decoration

FUNERAL With dedicated floral tributes, we believe it would bring a symbol of peace and eternal life to people. Flowers are forever best wishes to our beloved ones. Service We are specialized in flor
G鮮花及禮籃 / 帛事鮮花Greenfingers Florist

We provide professional floral service for all types of events including weddings, banquets, parties, church decoration, window display, exhibitions, fashion show, interior floral design for commerci
鮮花及禮籃 / 帛事鮮花花道工作室
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