We are proud to be authorized dealer for elite companies such as GIAC, AWE Tuning, VF Engineering, Remus exhaust, Milltek sport, EBC brake, Osir design, JC-project.

豐富化妝造型經驗,曾與多位歌手藝人合作電影,廣告,演唱會,MV... 持國際化妝師文憑 國際培訓師文憑, 並於化妝學院擔任化妝導師 歡迎查詢/預約: 63884568 BRENDA FB: www.facebook.com/brendacmakeup fans page: BC Dream Makeup
結婚 / 化妝及髮型BC Dream Makeup

ONLINE SHOP【優肌美集 Beaute Treasure by UNIVA BEAUTY】銷售日本Ex:beaute 女優肌、Evangelist BB Cream、Ce'parfait品牌化妝品。(ONLINE SHOP: www.univabeauty.com)
U美容 / 零售及批發Univa Beauty

教學特色內容: 課程因應學生情況及需要彈性調節教學。配合現時熱爆流行曲樂譜教材。 師生一人一鼓, 節省時間, 增加學習進度。 定期表演活動, 讓學員增加演出經驗, 成功感大增 ! 自信心爆燈 ! 定期設有升級測試評估。通過評估讓學員目標更清晰, 了解自己, 自我肯定 ! 可向學員發出相關課程證書 (如有需要)

We have a few 2nd hand Cars for Sale under good deals !!!! Please visit the details !!!
汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠德星汽車維修服務TAK SING GARAGE

化妝, 課程, 學, 髮型, 造型, 新娘化妝, 星級, out job, makeup, image, hairstyling
R美容 / 教學進修Rose makeup academy

平面設計, 插畫/繪圖, 手繪真跡
設計 / 平面設計yoyolam1022

This was not only for the huge saving in weight and greater strength, but also a perfect solution to the age old problems that occurred with the use of wood.
汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠 財利船廠有限公司

This was not only for the huge saving in weight and greater strength, but also a perfect solution to the age old problems that occurred with the use of wood.
汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠 財利船廠有限公司

健康及醫療 / 其他治療身心靈能量館


旅遊 / 旅遊優惠台灣旅遊租車

旅遊 / 旅遊優惠台灣旅遊租車

Perfect for stopping by during a long day of shopping! You will be delighted by the friendliness of our staffs & our professional hair stylists.
E美容 / 髮型設計及護髮Exclusive Salon

we have wondered why the locals aren't all out sailing at every opportunity enjoying the second-to-none marine environment. Boat ownership seems to be just too big a hurdle in HK.

畫框相架, 印製個人精品. 零售批發: 由專業裝裱藝術品, 到經濟膠相框, 都可提供. 更有多種印製精品: 砌圖, 海報, 油畫, 水杯, 水晶, 證書, 滑鼠墊... 歡迎個人或團體客戶, 觀塘門市, 也可安排送貨
手機電腦互聯網 / 買賣交易www.printngbeauty.com
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