LANGUAGE FIRST was founded in 2004, the professional translation company in Hong Kong. All our translators/Interpreters are professionally qualified, native speakers and project allocation is based on a translator's expertise. All translations are proofread and edited by the qualified professor to guarantee the highest quality. 香港專業翻譯公司 – 15年翻譯經驗,翻譯全世界語言!專業提供文件翻譯/即時傳譯/現場口譯服務!
LANGUAGE FIRST has rich experiences on special translation projects:
文件翻譯範疇:商業文件、法律契約、訴訟呈堂證供、公證宣誓文件、上市公司報告/標書、移民證書、合約、公司章程、 核數師報告、工程概要、剪報、產品說明書、 新聞稿、商品簡介及市場計劃書、食肆菜牌、 論文、會訊、美容瘦身健康產品、產品成分標籤、IT腳本﹐等等。
LEGAL: contracts, agreements, court report, certificates and legal papers, memorandum, judicial proceedings, foreign statutes, etc.
COMMERCIAL: prospectus, investment report, annual and financial report, marketing material, release articles, etc.
TECHNICAL: research, technical & feasibility reports, operation manual, user guides, system specifications, etc.
LANGUAGE FIRST translates over 130 native languages worl