TIM YIU was established in year 1999 and registered as TIM YIU LIMOUSINE SERVICE LIMITED in year 2012. We have more than seventeen years experience in Limousine Service offering in safe journey under hire car permit and commercial insurance, reliable service, formal uniform and reasonable rates. We are committed to provide high quality service including factory travelling and visiting for business, sightseeing tours, airport pick-up and wedding car. Regardless of hourly, monthly, short or long-term rental are available that meet your needs in different occasions.
添耀成立於1999年並在2012年註冊為添耀租車服務有限公司。本公司經營豪華轎車出租服務已超逾17年經驗, 務求能提供客戶安全旅程並持有效出租車許可證及保險,信賴服務,整齊制服及合理車費,有關服務範圍包括:機場接送、商務訪客、觀光遊覽、結婚花車,不論時租、月租、短途或長期租用均無任歡迎,如蒙惠顧將竭誠為你服務。
服務至上 以客為尊
Provide Good Service and Give Respect to Guest