免費提供GIA鑽石報價服務,根據客人對鑽石的個別要求,如克拉 (Carat)、淨度(Clarity)、顏色(Color)、車工(Cut)及鑽戒預算去為你挑選最稱心合意的鑽石。我們亦為顧客度身訂做求婚鑽介、訂婚介指, 男士鑽石耳環以及各類首飾鑲嵌, 務求為你提供一站式最完善的服務。另外, 本公司亦有大量18K金鑽飾以供選購。歡迎各位到訪www.desiresbyvenus.com/chi/ 查詢有關資料,我們將盡快回覆。
Welcome to visit www.desiresbyvenus.com/chi/ for GIA round brilliant diamond price, GIA fancy shape diamond price, square modified brilliant diamond, pear shaped brilliant diamond, marquise brilliant diamond, heart-shaped modified brilliant diamond, black diamond price, mounting quotation and men's diamond earrings. We also carry 18K diamond products such as diamond rings, pendants, earrings and bracelets. Office visit is welcome by appointment. Have a great day.