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  3. 婚禮演奏

Yoko Sung提供婚禮節目表演,豎琴演奏等服務

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2011-02-08 刊登者: Ms Sung
 Ms Yoko Sung is a harpist active in Hong Kong. As a dedicated harpist, she provides professional and excellent live performances for numerous weddings and special events . Her music enchants her audiences and turns the event into a remarkable one.

Apart from performing, Yoko is an enthusiastic, experienced and well trained harp teacher. She nurtures and inspires her students from youngsters to retirees on lever harp and pedal harp. 

Contact Us

Ms Yoko Sung
Mobile: + 852 - 6123 8242

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