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DEAR DEER Bridal Service was born 4 months later, on July 2010

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2013-09-24 刊登者: Dear Deer Bridal Service

DEAR DEER Bridal Service

Early spring of 2010, two old friends met in their common friends wedding party. Co-founder Eunice Kong and Corwin Ng, found that, the bridal dresses and the wedding party is a bit formalistic. They had a revelation and decided to do their part in bringing modernity into bridal dresses as well as letting the "bride-to-be" discover an alternative of wedding gowns and evening gowns. DEAR DEER Bridal Service was born 4 months later, on July 2010.

DEAR DEER Bridal Service provides a high quality wedding gown and evening gown rental service. We gives customers a new experiences by offering fashionable dresses, accessories, shoes for wedding party.  

DEAR DEER reinterprets ordinary bridal dresses into fashionable designs that considerate your favour and needed to make you a big star on your big day. We would like to become your dearest bridal dresses advisor.

RM 801, Prefect Commercial Building,
No. 20 Austin Avenue,
Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Eunice Kong (+852) 6131 7566
Corwin Ng (+852) 9219 0273
web http://www.deardeerbridal.com/

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