1. 88DB
  2. 結婚
  3. 場地佈置

Estilo Living 婚禮佈置 - 教堂佈置, 酒樓佈置, 酒店佈置, 婚禮道具, 舞台效果

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2013-02-18 刊登者: Estilo Living

facebook專頁: Estilo Living Wedding Decoration

Estilo Living就是想著一件事:用最貼心的服務 讓你無後顧之憂結婚去

Estilo Living於2011年在香港創立,以為香港人提供更多元化及更高生活品味的服務及產品為使命。Estilo Living致力拓展更具創意的婚禮統籌服務,務求讓新人能輕鬆無負擔享受歡樂及令人回味的婚禮! 


(走廊佈置+接待處+易拉架 只需$1500)  -- 歡迎約預及查詢


一生人一次的婚禮,當然希望能辦得漂漂亮亮,及有自己喜歡的元素。因為選擇了在教堂行禮,要佈置的地方頗多,所以選用了Estilo Living佈置公司佈置教堂場地、Reception及油畫架等。公司的staff很細心,很早已致電我佈置的要求,例如有什麼顏色,主題,佈置物品。因為我没有什麼Art Sense,所以只要求了要用我喜歡的綠色,以及有清新的感覺,其他就由他們自由發揮。到了結婚當天,他們很早便來到佈置,佈置出來的感覺很fresh,小配件及花都好好,綠白黃的顏色佈置出來很靚,很滿意!總括來說是一間很值得推介的佈置公司!

Angel & Tyler

Wedding: 1 Dec 2012 Union Church, Hong Kong 香港佑寧堂 



(晚宴主題佈置3000元起) -- 歡迎約預及查詢



Dear Estilo Living

We were very grateful to have you and your team doing a wonderful decoration job on our wedding banquet. The Photobooth was fantastic and the backdrop was beautiful. 
We had good times with our guests in taking photos in front of those wonderful and creative Photobooth and backdrop. Your work definitely contributed a wonderful part to our beautiful wedding photos and happy memories. We were also thankful that you patiently listened to our thoughts and were very attentive to our needs. We were very much appreciated for your initiative to being creative and thinking of many different ways to make our ideas come true. Your team are certainly the profession body to help us to decorate our wedding venue. We would highly recommend our friends or anyone who require wedding
decoration service of such to look for your team. We truly wish that you have every success in your decoration service and may anyone who requires your service will receive a wonderful job done by you.

Cecilia and Chris

Wedding: 1 Oct 2012, Jockey Club Happy Valley Charter Room

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