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Life Studio提供專業的BB造型照、婚紗及婚禮攝影等服務

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-06-14 刊登者: Life Studio

Life, a simple word which reflects our dedication to bringing professional studio photography to daily life.

Our unique studio offers a relaxed and comfortable environment in which we use our camera to capture the most natural beauty and the truest moments of you and your baby, one shot is one story.

It is our belief that each family should have at least one professionally taken and high quality family photo.

Why? The reason is simple… we are parents too.

Life, 一個簡單的文字,我們取其名是希望能夠把專業的影樓服務推動到更加生活化,所以 LifeStudio.hk 提供一個獨立而又舒適的環境,用自然及獨特的手法,讓你們能在拍攝期間流露出最自然及最真摰的一面,每一張相片都能帶出一個回憶。


何解? 正因我們也是父母…


LifeStudio.hk & MyBB.hk 由 四位充滿熱誠的專材爸爸於 2004 年創立,成立初期以 MyBB.hk 的品牌為客戶提供專業的 BB 造型照,深受各家長愛戴,更屢獲殊榮。營運總監 Dr. Gordon Lam 更親自開拓 親子、寵物及海洋生物攝影培訓課程。近年更將 Life Studio 的獨特拍攝手法應用於 婚紗及婚禮攝影,帶給每張相片生命及回憶。

打破傳統框架 [一張相片.一個故事 One Shot One Story]

LifeStudio.hk 以家庭、小孩及寵物為主,著重溝通、互動、情感的交流及動態拍攝,擅長以自然和獨特的手法,打破傳統影樓「1、2、3、笑」的呆板框框,讓大家在拍攝期間 不知不覺地流露出最自然及最真摯的一面,攝下最溫馨和諧的一刻,Capture memories in your Life!

Life Studio knows the desire of people to have a warm and joyful family photo and we help capture the most natural emotions of your family members while playing. After shooting family, kids and pets over seven years, we take photos in a natural and unique way to capture the warmest moments, which is different from the "1 2 3 Cheese!"

寵物拍攝專區 Pets Zone

Life Studio 位於 九龍灣國際展貿中心 E-Max 商場三樓 (香港唯一可容許寵物進入的商場)。佔地 2,500呎,設多款溫馨家庭實景及趣緻 BB 造型。特設「寵物專用攝影室」,為主人及寵兒提供一個獨立舒適的拍攝環境。這個寵物專區更設置獨立空調系統及專用的出入口,絕不會影響其他沒有養寵物的家 庭及小朋友。

You can enjoy your time freely in our 2,500 sq.ft flag store at Level 3 E-Max Shopping Mall - Kowloonbay International Trade & Exhibition Centre. Observing that many families regard pets as a family member, there is clean and hygienic studio room reserved for families with pets to have a wonderful shooting time. Separate air-conditioning and doorway are provided to ensure that your child will not affected even if you have not kept a cat or dog.

電話:2114 0311    

郵箱:[email protected]    


地址:九龍灣國際展貿中心 EMax 3樓 333-335號鋪

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