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Our Company provide full service production and ideas for all Corporate and vveddirg events.

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-04-26 刊登者: Winston Wong

The Mozz

Our Company provide full service production and  ideas for all Corporate and vveddirg events.

We have, for the past decade, created many memorable moments and successful eventsjor our clients include but not limited to individual’s wedding events,celebrity,sprivate functions, and private/public listed Companies,s events.

We provide full services on creative direcrion,high quality decoration, lighting, sound and animated video projection.

We also perform event management which include the rundown and logistic of the different events,animated video presentation, live video, talent sourcing and management. props production and music.

Come visit us and share with us your requirerrients and we will create a lifetime experience event for you!

copyright 2010-the mozz, wedding decoration production and event management
address: 5/F, 503-504, Star House, 3 Salisbury Road, Tsimshatsui, Kln.
tel: (852) 2721-8386, fax: (852)2721-8038, email: [email protected]



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