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  2. 結婚
  3. 結婚優惠

RaniqueCoutureBridalImage台日風格 *試妝隨即落訂享有$300折扣優惠 *Plan F送指定款式絲花球乙個$399

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-03-16 刊登者: Ranique Couture

Ranique Couture Bridal Image created Ranique Couture aimed at bridal image design. She is a Make-up-Artist who got a Distinction in OUHK LiPACE's Professional Diploma in Creative Styling & Cosmetology. She fascinates in hat designs in which she obtained 10 of the best hat designers of 莎莎銀袋日帽飾 in 2007. She obtained international INFA Make-up-Artist Visa with highest result at Gold Master level & CIBTAC International Make Up Artist in Media Make up. And she got a BA honour degree in her early twenties.CIBTAC International Make Up Artist in Media Make up. And she got a BA honour degree in her early twenties.



資歷: (國際認可化妝牌照/實務/獎項)

* 擁CIBTAC媒體化妝文憑及INFA國際化妝師牌(取得Gold Master最佳成績)
* 擁公大及Make up forever聯頒之形象及化妝學高級文憑(以Distinction成績畢業)-目前全港唯一獲港府評審
* 出身於著名化妝(Vogue itis,Make up Forever)及髮型學院(Chicago Pivot Point)
* 曾赴台灣進修台式造型
* 並擁有工商管理學位

* 現為澳洲有機化妝品牌NVEY ECO首席化妝顧問
* 曾合作藝人(ATVArtist吳亭欣,TVB Artist-Cindy Lee 李思雅..等)
* 2008年度Make Up Forever新娘化妝大賽亞軍
* 2007年度全港公開星級化妝師選拔賽入選最後24強(由Ingrid Millet Shimmer主辦)
* 2006年度英國CIBTAC國際專業導師協會化妝大賽優異獎


http://raniquecouture.sinastarz.com (Price List and terms)

http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/raniquecouture (大量UPDATE客人相)

Facebook : Hatty Wai (人氣讚好) or search my facebook by email below
[email protected]


優惠單一訂購絲花球套餐(連新郎襟花 - $399) 襟花主花可轉其他

新娘化妝 | 結婚化妝 | bridal makeup | 姊妹化妝

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性