About i2 Production
When beautiful and valuable things past , all that remains are memories . Memories slowly dissipate over time . Why not transform the beauty of life into images ? Allow the beauty of your life to remain permanent or share them with those around .
We believe that images are alive and vibrant . We will use creativeness and innovation to bequeath life upon these images to beatow the same wonder upon their viewers . We hope our i2 Production have the honor to partake with you in creating your life in images .
當美好及有價值的事情過去後,餘下的就只有回憶 ! 而回憶也會除著時間淡忘消失,為何我們不把美好的事情轉化為影像?讓美好 的影像永遠留在身邊 ,或把美好感覺與所有人分享 !
我們相信影像是有生命的,我們會用誠意、創新為影像注入生命。令觀賞者感受到同樣美妙的感覺,希望我們i2 Production有幸能成為你們服務對象。攜手製作一個屬於你們有生命的影像 !
TEL : (852) 3485 9085
Whatsapp : (852) 9842 6442 / 6255 3392
Email : [email protected]
Website : www.itwoproduction.com
Facebook : www.facebook.com/itwoproduction