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  2. 結婚
  3. 香港婚紗攝影

Smile Everyday Photo提供結婚攝影、家庭攝影、親子攝影等服務

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2013-10-15 刊登者: Smile Everyday Photo
I believe it’s always nice to have someone in your life who can make you smile. At this moment, I capture image for you to integrate into your life and keep safe for lifetime memory. Keep smiling because life is a beautiful thing and there’s so much to smile about.


地址:九龍新蒲崗五芳街10號新寶中心 7 樓 706 室
電話:6324 8820

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Liz & Wilson

The majestic building provides a regal backdrop in Macau for the pre-wedding photo shoot. Everyone seems to be excited about this ritual and look for cool pre-wedding pictures in their album which is full of memorable and creative shots. Liz and Wilson look very awesome in this pre-wedding trip. 澳門擁有雄偉建築,提供了一個皇室般的大背景下拍婚紗照。每個人都似乎是興奮婚紗照在他們的專輯是難忘和充滿創意的照片。是次婚婚紗照之行Liz和 Wilson表現起來非常酷。  

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性