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  3. 香港婚紗攝影

Plus1concept 攝影攝錄服務

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2013-02-13 刊登者: plus1concept

業務包括:婚紗攝影,婚禮攝影, 兒童攝影...

Business including: wedding photography, wedding photography, children's photography...

Pre-wedding Photography Service, up from $4800.

plus1concept意思是"加一", 為妳們的相片加入一些浪漫, 創意, 可愛的感覺, 我們除了會作正規的拍攝外,

也會與客戶商討後制作別出心裁有趣的創意相片, 為的是令到客人們得到與別不同, 非常滿意的效果.

plus1concept mean "plus one", you have photos to add some romantic, creative, lovely feeling,

apart from the regular shooting will also discuss post-production with customers ingenuity interesting creative photo,

so toguests with a difference, very satisfied.

聯絡電話: 6255 9233 (Mobile) / 6517 7723 (Whatsapp)

電郵: [email protected]

網址: www.plus1concept.com

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性