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  2. 結婚
  3. 香港婚紗攝影

兩位攝影師分別曾獲多項攝影比賽獎項及豐富的拍攝經驗,Studio 10 具豐富拍攝經驗配合獨特的拍攝手法,不單止能拍出優雅、富美感的照片,更可凝住新人最真實最美的一刻。歡迎致電或電郵查詢 葵涌華星街8

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2013-12-16 刊登者: Studio10

Studio 10 based in Hong Kong,lt is founded by Barry and Kenny in 2011,we service higher quality photography and videography for every client.

Barry Fu

A boy with Camera.Barry's photo not the beauty just want capture feeling in a second. Thats easy know his emotion and what he want to share to you. Beside the photo, movie and design also draw his attention, these can inspire him to photo.

Kenny Wu

has always had a deep interest in photography. After buying his first camera, Kenny was inspired in many different ways. He believes that every day, there is always something new out in the streets, if you just pay attention to the finer details. Kenny Wu has won many different awards by taking his photography from his heart rather than by just using expensive equipment. He hopes that he can not only share all the treasured moments with his clients, but also capture them forever in photography.

W Kenny Photography AWARDS

》MTR Our Memories of Western District" Photographic Competition


》HS Photo Contest
[Reward excellently]

》The 2nd Hong Kong Mobile Film Festival
[Certificate of Excellence]

》Metro Global Photo Challenge
[Top 100 Hong Kong]

》[50 years of So Uk Estate ]Photo Competition
[Reward excellently]

》2009-Sha Tin Festive Lighting Photo Competition
[Reward excellently]

Tel:6770 5903         
Email :[email protected]
Website :http://www.studio10.com.hk

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性