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David Wong was born to be a dreamer, his mother claimed

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-10-11 刊登者: david wong photos

David Wong was born to be a dreamer, his mother claimed. People said that this kid is quiet and pensive.

He explored the European Arts at the age of 18 and studied Art and Photography in England. Being a young frontier David travelled and worked from Paris to Germany, from Peking to Japan. He interested in different culture, lifestyle, ethnics and humanity. He eventually created his own statement of worldvisions.

Afterwards, David returned to Hong Kong and worked in EMI Records to begin his collection for Portraits photography. He photographed most of the prime artists and singers within 5 years. His works showed the new style with the depth of characters that were recognised and published.

In 1990, he founded David Wong Photography & Arts and put his career in a quality essence. His works of photography reflected unique yet versatile perspective for personalities from the government officials, lawyers, wedding couples, celebrities, fashion models, gays and lesbians to misfortunate war children.

Tel:2857 9330
Email :[email protected]
Address :香港中環雲咸街55號余悅禮行7樓707室
Website :www.davidwongphotos.com


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