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Montage Professional Photography

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2012-06-02 刊登者: Montage Professional Photography

Montage Professional Photography

Montage means the overall performance of our life, we got no boundaries, it is ''the Montage'' unity of spirit.

Who can produce a compliment to the wedding without a break, as there is a driving force behind the creation of our infinite passion poured into each of our work on The only happiness is to record and send good wishes.​

Can dissolve into our wedding theme unique artistic reach, whether it is''FINE ART''means the table Ta, sweet love style is the blue sky, or the advertising story style photography, we are bound to do.

Montage hope to do for each new scene-one exchange with sincere emotion the realm of.

The Montage theory:​

Creativity without limitation.
Passion for the love.
High quality communication.
Contiuously life refreshment.

Tel:6136 6162 / 9253 2534
Email:[email protected]

Address:RM 1302, 13/F, Workingport Commercial Bldg,
3 Hau Fook Street, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong

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