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Red Double Hei candy box  紅雙喜 -------   四面環喜, 四方皆喜 熱賣中

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2010-06-09 刊登者: mylovehk
Product:Red Double Hei  紅雙喜 -------   四面環喜, 四方皆喜!! 熱賣中!!

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Size: 1. H5.2cm x W5.5cm x B5.5cm   - 300gsm
3. H9cm x W9cm x B9cm           - 250gsm / 600gsm
Price:1. HKD$1.60@
3. HKD$4.80@
Ref No:CB001R
Type:DIY wedding favors gift box
Paper:300gsm paper
Notes:The most product in the market most likely made by 190gsm - 250gsm, however, our gift boxes is made by ....
1. 300gsm extra thick paper, die-cut area have already been emptied, attached with glue and stick together, what you have to do is just fold it!  - HKD1.60@
3. 250gsm
, die-cut area have already been emptied, attached with glue - HKD3.50@
    600gsm, die-cut area have already been emptied, attached with glue - HKD4.80@

Do you prefer the Gold Double Hei? Please check here

請注意, 市場上的樣品一般以190克- 230克為主, 而我們的是...
1號貨品為加厚300克紙質, 已貼好和鏤空喜字中間的位置, 只要折一下就好了, 請各位比較價格時注意啊!

3號貨品為250克紙質/600克紙質, 請留意訂貨時間啊!
Intro:To honor timeless tradition and offer heartfelt wishes for double happiness, we present “Double Happiness” Favor Boxes—gracious in spirit and gorgeous in design. Each favor box is waiting to be filled with a scrumptious, sweet treat or a meaningful token of your appreciation. Your guests will be touched by your celebration of a proud heritage.
聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性