榮獲著名英倫時裝大學University of the Arts,London.UK化妝系學士學位及多張國際認可的新娘化妝髮型化妝文憑的專業化妝師Mela Bella professional make-up artist,曾任職及參與多個著名化妝品牌, 髮型品牌, 時裝表演例如 MAC cosmetics London; NARS cosmetics London; Cover FX London; Vidal Sasso on Hair show, NEC clothe show for famous designer Julien Macdonald, London University of the Arts graduation fashion show, London Central St Martins Graduation fashion show etc.
以多年經驗及專業化妝技巧,為客人度身設計貼心妝容及髮型. 配合各人膚色及髮型特質,挑選出適合的顏色配合不同個性及個人喜好,造出只屬於你獨有風格的妝容.
無論是清雅高貴的新娘make up,natural的日妝,亮麗modern的宴會化妝,stylish晚妝smoky eyes etc. All special tailor made for you by Mela Bella.
Believe in your own beauty! Mela Bella believes that all women are beautiful and unique in their own way no matter what skin colour you are in. Mela Bella provides professional make-up, hair styling service & advice for all occasions to help bring out the best of you.
Mela is an experienced Professional Make-up Artist & Hair stylist who graduated from the prestigious (UAL) University of the Arts, London. UK, where she gained her Specialist Make-Up Design Degree specializing in Fashion & Editorial Image pathway. She has also gained various professional certificates for Bridal, Evening dressing Make-Up & Hair Design.
Living and working in multi-cultural cities, such as Hong Kong and London for many years, She is fluent in English, Cantonese and Mandarin, Mela is also an excellent communicator and dedicated to using her skills & experience to provide the best quality Make-up & Hair Styling service for you.
最新優惠: 半價試妝(原價$688)!!
優惠期有限, 敬早預約!請客人提前預約及查詢日期 Thanks :)
Latest promotion: Half price for make-up trial (original $688)
10% off for full payment booking on the day of the make-up trial.
Click 'Like' on facebook page for an extra $200 off.
Please contact and check for available dates thank you.
Mela Bella cosmetics choice均選用優質化妝品包括:
Chanel, NARS, M.A.C., Makeup Forever, Shiseido - Maquillage,Bobbi Brown, Bare Minerals, Stella, Urban Decay,Too faced etc.
於FACEBOOK 讚好即可減$200, Go click LIKE : www.facebook.com/MelaBellaMakeup
* 只限套餐 B至套餐 E Only for Package B - E
Bridal Make-up & Hair Styling Service & pricelist 服務及收費 :
(最新推廣優惠 Package A - E 收費勁減$1,000,請即致電預約試妝!)
Package A: Day 1 style 註冊/出門/晚宴 Make-up & Hair 1次 (已包括優質睫毛x1及身體閃粉)
| $2,988 $1,988 |
早上+晚宴 Make-up & Hair共 2次 (已包括優質睫毛x1,身體閃粉及專業修眉服務x1)
| $4,988 $3,988 |
全晚服務:晚宴4個 Make-up & Hair 包括迎賓,進場,敬酒,送客 (7 Hours service) (已包括優質睫毛x1,身體閃粉,專業修眉服務x1,及免費借用頭飾x4)
| $5,988 $4,988 |
早,註冊加全晚宴服務:包括出門,註冊或教堂,晚宴,進場,敬酒,送客 (11 Hours service) (已包括優質睫毛x1,身體閃粉,專業修眉服務x1,免費借用頭飾及首飾多套. *送補妝1次)
| $7,988 $6,988 |
Package E: Whole Day (已包括優質睫毛x1,身體閃粉,專業修眉服務x1,免費借用頭飾及首飾多套. *送補妝2次)
| $8,988 $7,988 |
- 姊妹 /媽咪 Bridemaids & Mother of the bride Make-up & Hair 1次 $780 個 - Other Jobs: Pre-wedding/ All photoshoots & Advertisments 攝影造型設計/廣告 : 面議 -試妝費 Trial fee﹕ $688(試 2 make-up & 2 hair) (如試妝後即時落訂50%, 即可免 試妝費).Can be deducted if confirm booking and settle50% deposit on the same day. -試妝地點 Trial location: 上門化妝. Clients's home. | |
*早所有已付之訂金不能退回及轉讓. *尾數在服務當日必須於化妝工作前以現金 繳付. *早上8.30 am 或之前到達需付的士費用(按錶收費), 遍遠地區任何時段單程的士. *如服務當天(服務時間前兩小時), 香港天文台發出黑色雷暴警告或8號或以上之熱帶氣旋警告, 需額外附加 $800. *超時補鐘: 頭一小時$300 (不足1小時亦當1小時計). *如頭飾/首飾需留過夜,需付按金HK$500,租期為3日2夜,按金會於飾物完整歸還後全數退回. *如有任何爭議, 本公司擁有以上條款之最終解釋權.
*Deposit is non-refunable and non-transferrable. *Accept cash and bank transfers only (Full amount must be settled before the wedding ) *Taxi fare will be charged if requested to arrive before 8.30am and any remoted location. *An extra $800 fee will be charge if black rain storm warning /typhoon no.8 signal is on 2 hours prior to the service. *Over time is $300 per an hour or less than an hour. *A$500 deposit will be charged for the rental of hair pieces and accessories(3 days 2 nights). Full amount will be refunded when return in their original condition. |
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: www.facebook.com/MelaBellaMakeup