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Be yourself...at Novotel Hotels & Resorts

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2008-01-09 刊登者: Novotel Citygate

Accor is the world's largest hotel and tourism group with more than 3,500 hotels and resorts in 90 countries, with the most comprehensive choice of hotel styles and locations.

Accor's hotel brands include the luxury of Sofitel, business class of Novotel, variety of All Seasons, flexibility of Mercure, value of Ibis and convenience of Formule 1.

Accor is also one of the global leaders in tourism, travel, casinos, restaurants and the provision of corporate and public institution services. Each day, more than 12 million people in 31 countries use a range of services created and managed by Accor.

Accor Services is the Accor Group's second largest international line of business. The goal of Accor Services is to help companies and public institutions to improve performance by fostering the well-being of their employees and citizens. Present in 35 countries, more than 300,000 client companies or public institutions and 19 million employees uses our services everyday.

In the Asia Pacific region, Accor is the largest and fastest growing hotel group with some 180 hotels and more than 30,000 rooms in 15 countries - Australia, New Zealand, New Caledonia, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

In Australia and New Zealand, there are over 100 hotels and resorts covering all prime business and holiday destinations with many new hotels to be opened over the next few years.
Novotel Balikpapan

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