1. 88DB
  2. 旅遊
  3. 本地住宿


此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2010-11-18 刊登者: KHH高雄民宿元氣小屋

世界背包客最愛 台灣高雄專業背包客短期住宿(民宿風)
24小時立即完成訂房: 【官方網】
台灣高雄民宿 高雄住宿 HOT高雄推薦民宿住宿 eye高雄訂房推薦網  高雄短期日租套房
Apartments from Kaohsiung International Airport about 20 minutes and about 3 minutes over MRT (Sanduo Shopping District). We offer “Safe, Clean, Creative, such as family rooms”.

If you like our rooms and decide to booking, you can use the online booking system.
24 hours a reservation at any time to immediately complete the booking procedures for the computer. Rooms will be automatically deducted. Please be assured.

It's a good choice for those who prefer self-service travel!

您的高雄另一個家 元氣小屋  (離KHH高雄國際機場15分鐘)

創意/溫馨/平價/便捷/乾淨 是元氣小屋要給您的!

Skype Me™!


【最新空房表 / 點這裡】

台灣當地BLOG's: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/dreamwork1228/

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性