WorkTech Co-working Space
服務式辦公室, 商務中心, 提供私人辦公室, 固定辦公桌, 虛擬辦公室租用
觀塘商業區, 設備完善, 交通便利, 適合各中小企業, 時尚行業, 創業者
- WorkTech 會員只需 $1000 起 會員可於 WorkTech 全港十多個場地使用
- 私人辦公室 - $5,000 起
- 前台接待服務, 代收郵件包裹
- 茶水間
- 彩色影印機, 專線電話, 寬頻
- 提供會議室租用, 活動場地租用
- 公用地方24小時監察錄影
歡迎查詢: 3911 1288
WorkTech MC3 - 15/F, Millennium City 3, 370 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong
WorkTech MC3 is based in one of Hong Kong’s emerging business districts, allowing you to take advantage of its exceptional convenience. Located in the middle of Kwun Tong in a five-star rated business centre, we offer an advantageous solution to those who wish to be next to the business and retail hubs of the district. Providing services for private offices and meeting rooms at:
15/F, Millennium City 3, 370 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
WorkTech 創紀之城三期的工作空間位於香港新興商業區——觀塘市中心,毗鄰商業和零售中心,位置及交通便利,且備五星級商業大廈的優越環境及設備。場內提供私人辦公室及會議室,歡迎大家親臨以下地址參觀及查詢:香港九龍觀塘觀塘道370號創紀之城三期15樓
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