【坐標 · Location】尖沙咀麽地道麗東大廈(尖東站N1出口)
【亮點 · Features】优质社群立方國際青年社區是致力於打造新青年文化的風向標聚集著一群香港最識玩的年輕人首期 . 深水埗社區一經推出,受到市場熱捧500多人申請,最終篩選出30人入駐他們是來自各個行業領域的精英。有醫生、有教師、有律師、有IT工程師,有創業公司CEO,有營銷高手、財務高手、還有基金經理、投行分析師等等他們是來自各個行業領域的精英歡迎你的加入!高性價比地處香港中心腹地尖沙咀,酒店式公寓聖誕元旦特價僅需10000即可拿下私人面積約15平的舒適單間免中介費,家具電器齊全,不用操心繁瑣的電費水費網費,各種雜事均全由高素質高學歷管理員幫您搞定~!拎包入住我們這裡什麼都有了,就缺您了!
M³ is opening its second community in Tsim Sha Tsui! If you are pursuing unusual living experience, why not come to visit our community? M³ is much more than somewhere to sleep! Here U discover friends of different background, enjoy entertainment of all kinds, and live a life easier and cozier than you expect.Every room is well equipped with a independent bathroom, a TV set, a comfy bed, a wardrobe…AND!!! We have a special zoom for gatherings, where we can watch movies, have some drinks, or cook simple food, etc. Plus there will be a super manager in charge of daily operations of the whole community. She is always ready to help U in need, and organizes various amusing activities for U and all the M³ members.Just imagine, when U are back from work, tired and worried, instead of seeing a dark house with nobody by your side, in M³, U will see friends drinking, chatting,and playing music… M³ is a warm community where U will never feel alone and empty. If U feel like moving in, just WhatsApp at 52222523 to get more details.
【入駐時間 · Move in date】隨時起租!Available NOW!
Any inquiries please add wechat:1. KF妹:m3communitykf