直接業主-傲瀧 Mount Pavilia(3房地下花園)
清水灣豪宅- 特色單位、獨立花園、鄰近科大、交通方便 清水灣半島北罕有全新低密度大型豪宅項目的傲瀧,坐享翠綠山巒環擁、環境寧恬優越且私隱度高等多項優勢,故自推售以來,持續獲城中不少名人富豪、醫生及大學教授等買家追捧
Direct owner-3 bed G/F Garden, Sai Kung Mount Pavilia First-Ever Sculpture Park Living In It is in this pastoral setting that MOUNT PAVILIA nestles. A utopia reimagined for those who dream of a contemporary lifestyle in a natural environment where home and family are the nucleus. And for those seeking a curated living space with bespoke experiences inspired by art, culture and nature.