1. 88DB
  2. 物業地產
  3. 辦公室出租

Private offices in Sheung Wan / Central 私人獨立辦公室,鄰近上環/中環/香港站以及機場快線,中環金融中心的核心商業地段,私人辦公室

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2017-07-04 刊登者: Prime Central

We are located at the heart of the financial center in Central. Close to Sheung Wan / Central / Hong Kong MTR station and Airport Express, International Finance Centre (IFC), Four Seasons Hotel, The Center and Post Office.



Our private offices are cozy, spacious, and well renovated with modern design. Each room can accommodate 5 – 8 people. License fee starting from HK$18,000 /month for a private office. (Management and utility fees, government rates are included)

我們的私人獨立辦公室舒適寬敞、設計時尚。 每間私人辦公室至少可容納5-8人。 私人辦公室服務費用每月由HK$ 18,000起。(費用已包括水、電、冷氣、管理費及差餉)


Each room comes with:

-Big workstations

-Executive chairs

-Lockable pedestals

-Lockable cabinet (if requires)

-Office partition (if requires) 






-可鎖儲物櫃 (可提供)

-辦公室屏風 (可提供)


Services include:

-24 hours CCTV system and access card system for each room

-Spacious and decent meeting room with sea view (Free first 2 hours per month)

-Incoming mails & small parcels handling

-Pantry with fridge and Nespresso machine, dispenser hot & cold drinking water

-Daily cleaning

-Printing machine in common area (Free first 30 A4 size photocopies / printings per month)

-WIFI access   




-寬敞體面的海景會議室 (每月首2小時免費)




-公用地方提供打印設備 (每月首30張A4影印)



Agent fee not applicable, 2 months of secure deposit and Minimum 1 month, pay monthly in advance.

「$0 佣金」,2個月按金,一個月上期。


For viewing, please contact Ms Yiu at 3425-4731 (Mon-Fri, 9am-6pm) or email: [email protected].

請聯繫姚小姐3425-4731 (Mon-Fri, 9am-6pm)或電郵 [email protected]查看。


*Rental of meeting room & lockable cabinet are welcome & negotiable


聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性