Workplace 提供一站式服務,並憑藉至誠服務,為各中小企業解決其生意上之難題。商務中心坐落九龍行,位處旺角商業中心區,比鄰油麻地港鐵站一分鐘直達。全新服務式辦公室,傢俬齊備,具獨立電話線、高速寬頻上網,另附設會議室。虛擬辦公室為 閣下提供註冊地址、獨立電話專線及獨立傳真號碼。
Workplace 並提供公司註冊、公司秘書、會計、核數及報稅服務。另備物業租管服務,代客收租及管理吉置及出租單位。
Workplace aim to provide a work place for individuals and partners to start up their businesss , without bothering of renovation, office furniture and equipment, daily operation – Hassle Free! The Business Centre is located at the hub of the city, Kowloon Building, 555 Nathan Road, a minute's walk from Yau Ma Tei MTR Station. It is a fully equipped with serviced offices, virtual offices and meeting room.
Our business solution team provides comprehensive business support to meet with your needs including accounting, auditing, taxation, company formation and company secretarial services. In addition, we also provide domain name registration, setting up company email accounts, internet and web services.
A new arm has been set up for property services including rental collection and tenancy management for leased properties, housekeeping and renovation for vacant premises.
專業團隊 能為客戶提供各式各樣之商業支援服務,包括: