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Man2Photo Interior Photographic

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2014-05-12 刊登者: man2photo

先交相, 後付款

不滿意, 不收費*

Photo First, Payment Last

Free of charge if Unsatisfy*

Our company is specialized on Interior Design & Architecture Photographic. We have solid experience on Interior Design Field, we know all kind of details and design focus point in the project and bring them out in our photographic. Also we do know there are always have some defect, snagging, junction / joining, lighting problem and we can also solve it.

Client can also send the photo for us for after effect.


Also, we provide a site Check Service for client, to help client go to the property / construction site / project location (on progress / before work start / completed) for the photo shooting and dimensions checking, save the time for our client. Hong Kong, PRC, and Oversea working.


Our Service:


Project Photographic

Depends on project scale and the shooting content. Clients provide information for the quote. Including Basic After Effect on all photos.

Basic After Effect

HKD20/pic. Photos by client. Including resize, brightness, contrast, color balance adjustment.

More photos more cheaper down to HKD5/pic.

Enhanced After Effect

HKD30-300/pic. Depends on client request and content.

By using our solid interior field experience and professional software to take care on defect, junction / joining, remove stuff, color and light adjustment, etc.

Checking Service

Same as Project Photographic, but site checking and dimension check replace Basic After Effect.

Same price in Hong Kong / PRC / Oversea for all service.


Attached job reference photo for your kindly review. Also please visit our website for more information and reference:



To quote and details, please email to:          [email protected]

Tel: +852 5393 8772               Mobile / WhatsApp / Line to: Ben +852 6489 9118


MAN2 Photographic Co.


Photo First, Payment Last

Free of charge if Unsatisfy*


我司專門為室內設計師及則樓提供項目攝影服務。 專責攝影師為擁有十年室內設計經驗的前專業室內設計師及項目經理, 對室內設計及裝修工程極度熟識, 保證能有效拍出工程項目的特點, 亦熟知項目進行中必會出現之Defect / Snagging / 修口 / 燈光問題, 能為客人為此類問題作出後期修飾美化。



另我們提供代客取材和度呎, 包括到香港, 國內, 海外各地拍攝工程完工項目或工程事前拍攝現場實景, 或樓花實景, 並可為客人度呎, 無需浪費客人的寶貴時間做基本檢查動作。






收費視乎拍攝內容及面積, 已包所有照片基本修圖, 客戶提供資料再作報價。


$20 / 張, 客方自行來圖, 修正光暗度, 對比度, 色相平衡度。大量可獲低至$5。


$30~300 / 張, 視乎要求及內容

利用我們的室內設計經驗及專業圖像軟件為照片內容執Defect, 修口位和穿崩位, 移除物件及調整色彩等。


費用等同項目拍攝, 度呎取代修圖。



附上實拍影片供客戶參考, 及訪問我們的網站:



索取報價及詳情, 請電郵到:[email protected]

電話: +852 5393 8772      Mobile/WhatsApp /Line :Ben +852 6489 9118


MAN2 Photographic Co.

先交相, 後付款

不滿意, 不收費*

*項目拍攝只收回車馬費 / excluding transpotation fee

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性