1. 88DB
  2. 攝影及影音
  3. 模特兒

we aimed to provide the one-stop and all round model service to our client

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2009-02-18 刊登者: Keystar

         KeyStar Entertainment Co. is an interactive model agency, and we aimed to provide the one-stop and all round service to our client. We believed that through the hard working and our enthusiasm, KeyStar Entertainment can establish a positive image in the Hong Kong modeling industry.

        Especially in promotion and production, KeyStar Entertainment provide a wide range of services in modeling including the promotion gir l road show 、 show girl for exhibition 、 happy lady for any event or function 、 catwalk model for the show 、 image girl 、 press conference 、 print ad 、 TV commercial and so on.

        Our client including the PR firm、production house and variety of commercial client, they are being as our strategic partner also, and thus we have the wide network, knowledge and skill to assist any kind of production for different needs.Therefore, if there is any gimmick ideas with different style promotion, please contact us and we will make it happens.

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