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尋找私影model (拍攝個人Portfolio)

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2010-11-22 刊登者: fotoimage

我是一名婚禮攝影師,現希望能找尋有興趣的私影models拍攝一些有創意的人像寫真相做我個人Portfolio之用。拍攝後會將拍攝ok的相片作為酬勞,如相片效果好,我亦會免費設計相冊或comb card送給model。男女MODEL只要樣子有個性的都可以的,最好能自己化妝,如需額外化妝師協助,請通知。如特別造型需要,我亦會邀請化妝師協助的。亦請在我的網上相簿瀏覽我其他的作品。
如有興趣請email到 [email protected],並請註明聯絡方法。
I am a wedding photographer, I want to make my portrait Portfolio.  If you can be my models, pls contact me, I will return the shooted photos as the rewards. Moreover, if the  photos can be used as my portfolio, I will design a combo card or album as a free gift to the model.  Models (boys or girls) with character are welcomed, and they prefer to do the makeup by themselves.  However, if a makeup stylist is needed, I can arrange my friends (makeup stylist) to do the makeup. Pls. view my other photos at my web gallery.  Pls. view my other photo at my web gallery.
If you are interested to cooperate with me to create the photos, please email your name and contact to: [email protected]
我的網上相簿 My web gallery

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性