1. 88DB
  2. 表演藝術
  3. 場地佈置及出租

提供各式宴會及派對娛樂,與及會場佈置服務 , 盡力達到你的需求!

此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性 更新於: 2007-09-25 刊登者: chanlam

Welcome to Luxway web page. Luxway Enterprise (HK) Ltd. was established in 1997, majors in event decoration and entertainment for both individual and coporate clients of Hong Kong. We specialise in venue decoration by using balloons, fabrics, banners, flowers, lightings and computer vinyl cutting graphics ...etc. We can transform your venue within hours with only a few thousand dollars. We also provide party surprise service and entertainment to highlight your party theme. Attached below are some information and photos for your reference.

歡迎瀏覽 LUXWAY 網頁。本公司主要提供各式宴會及派對娛樂,與及會場佈置服務,價錢大眾化,適合不同公司或顧客之要求。


Please send your enquiry to [email protected]

香港銅鑼灣富明街一號寶富大廈3B (波斯富街轉入,利舞台斜對面)
1 Foo Ming Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Tel:2591 0582 Fax:2591 1582 Email: [email protected]
Monday - Saturday 11:00am ~ 7:00pm (by appointment)

聯絡資訊 此資訊已過期,不保證資訊準確性